In each layer

there is

a promise

CROSS-WORKS - Innovative construction
Timber ConStruction elements in house building

No economy without ecology

 With our innovative production plant and an integrated process we generate resource-efficient production that offers significant environmental relief potential.  Wood as an ecologically high-quality and renewable building material is experiencing a renaissance. In addition to the undisputed advantages for the environment, wood is characterised by its high flexibility.

  • Integrated process

    from production to joined component

    Networked production planning and control

    • Sawmill – demand-oriented pre-production of the raw slats

    • Drying chambers – the slats are dried using renewable energy from our biomass heating plant and solar plant

    • Production of the elements in the cross-laminated timber plant – optimum use of raw materials with variable cutting patterns during CNC joinery


    BUILDING and ConstruCtion WOOD

    Dried, planed, strength- and quality-sorted slates made of spruce and douglas fir, produced in our own sawmill, divided into longitudinal and cross slates